Monitor a Restock by adding a Link

Explains how to add new Links to your group monitoring list.

Adding a single link to monitor can be done using the $monitor Command

$monitor {Link}


Adding Multiple links together can be done via the $monitor massadd command, Links need to be seperated with a space.

$monitor massadd {Link 1} {Link 2} ...


Adding squarespace links can be done via the $monitor squarespace command

$monitor squarespace {Link}

Adding TargetLocal/ArgosLocal Monitor

In order to search for pickups orders on target / argos add the store name after Monitor $monitor targetlocal {link} $monitor argoslocal {link}

You only need to turn on bestbuy local (Using $monitor bblocal) and the bestbuy local monitor will monitor everything that you monitor on BestBuy.

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